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Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery

This page describes how to enable CoreDNS instead of kube-dns for service discovery.

Before you begin

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using Minikube, or you can use one of these Kubernetes playgrounds:

Your Kubernetes server must be version v1.9 or later. To check the version, enter kubectl version.

Installing CoreDNS with kubeadm

In Kubernetes 1.9, CoreDNS is available as an alpha feature, and in Kubernetes 1.10 it is available as a beta feature. In either case, you may install it during cluster creation by setting the CoreDNS feature gate to true during kubeadm init:

kubeadm init --feature-gates=CoreDNS=true

This installs CoreDNS instead of kube-dns.

Upgrading an Existing Cluster with kubeadm

In Kubernetes 1.10, you can also move to CoreDNS when you use kubeadm to upgrade a cluster that is using kube-dns. In this case, kubeadm will generate the CoreDNS configuration (“Corefile”) based upon the kube-dns ConfigMap, preserving configurations for federation, stub domains, and upstream name server.

Note that if you are running CoreDNS in your cluster already, prior to upgrade, your existing Corefile will be overwritten by the one created during upgrade. You should save your existing ConfigMap if you have customized it. You may re-apply your customizations after the new ConfigMap is up and running.

This process will be modified for the GA release of this feature, such that an existing Corefile will not be overwritten.

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.11 beta
This feature is currently in a beta state, meaning:

  • The version names contain beta (e.g. v2beta3).
  • Code is well tested. Enabling the feature is considered safe. Enabled by default.
  • Support for the overall feature will not be dropped, though details may change.
  • The schema and/or semantics of objects may change in incompatible ways in a subsequent beta or stable release. When this happens, we will provide instructions for migrating to the next version. This may require deleting, editing, and re-creating API objects. The editing process may require some thought. This may require downtime for applications that rely on the feature.
  • Recommended for only non-business-critical uses because of potential for incompatible changes in subsequent releases. If you have multiple clusters that can be upgraded independently, you may be able to relax this restriction.
  • Please do try our beta features and give feedback on them! After they exit beta, it may not be practical for us to make more changes.

What's next

You can configure CoreDNS to support many more use cases than kube-dns by modifying the Corefile. For more information, see the CoreDNS site.


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