This page shows how to stage content that you want to contribute to the Kubernetes documentation.
Create a fork of the Kubernetes documentation repository as described in Creating a Documentation Pull Request.
When you create a pull request, either against the master or <vnext> branch, your changes are staged in a custom subdomain on Netlify so that you can see your changes in rendered form before the pull request is merged.
In your GitHub account, in your new branch, submit a pull request to the kubernetes/website repository. This opens a page that shows the status of your pull request.
Scroll down to the list of automated checks. Click Show all checks. Wait for the deploy/netlify check to complete. To the right of deploy/netlify, click Details. This opens a staging site where you can see your changes.
You can use the k8sdocs Docker image to run a local staging server. If you’re interested, you can view the Dockerfile for this image.
Install Docker if you don’t already have it.
Clone your fork to your local development machine.
In the root of your cloned repository, enter this command to start a local web server:
make stage
This will run the following command:
docker run -ti --rm -v "$PWD":/k8sdocs -p 4000:4000
.Verify that Ruby and RubyGems are installed:
gem –version
Install the GitHub Pages package, which includes Jekyll:
gem install github-pages
Clone your fork to your local development machine.
In the root of your cloned repository, enter this command to start a local web server:
jekyll serve
View your staged content at http://localhost:4000
Note: If you do not want Jekyll to interfere with your other globally installed gems, you can usebundler
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundler exec jekyll serve
Regardless of whether you usebundler
or not, your copy of the site will then be viewable at: http://localhost:4000